dw yall we stil lhere we just mad busy cuz school and we makin a band aswell
two friends trying to make some comics and have fun because we dont have the chances to publish these comics it be fun to finally publish some right now we are working on world of beast its gonna be a long comic
we are just making some concepts rn
Joined on 5/6/24
Posted by yxm-comics - 1 month ago
dw yall we stil lhere we just mad busy cuz school and we makin a band aswell
Posted by yxm-comics - December 23rd, 2024
i have MASSIVE announcement the stylus is in the cart lets pray i get it for Christmas or around that time - y
id like to say thank you all for being so patient with us . we have crazy characters and arcs and still some rough part that we are working on we have been working on this project for like a year since the start of it and wow has it changed from its initial ideas i will say its based around kaiju's and it always has its a very original take on what kaiju's truly are like yes they are still huge monsters but i wont dig deep but its very cool what we have in store and please go easy on me ( me being Y) im pretty new with this entire digital art thing and i mostly do traditional pencil in paper which i am very good at I've done berserk drawings , Elden ring , evangelion , JoJo's and stuff like that so yea id like to say a couple things first of all some power are scientifically explained or explainable and we will have cards introducing they're powers and how they work like jojo stand card typa thing and will be having a green indicator if scientifically explained and red if not so yeah thank you all and me and M will be absolutely doing our best to be honest making the introduction has been such a hassle for the entire making of the comic but we have it sorted out the character development to the end and so many things. i will be trying my best to make the drawings as detailed of good looking and there is gonna be some beserkish or abstract typa eldrich mosnter type of panel spreads i have one on paper but its a massive spoiler for a arc so yall gotta wait for that. im doing my best to improve in art in general and learn better and better techniques. i thank you all for waiting this long and to give some foreshadowing the typa butterfly effect this comic will have is beyond yalls expectacions i hope idk how long it will be but our arcs we have written down or planed weve counted and its more than all the manga one pice arc's currently so yeah.... but we are sorting things out and gained inspiration from some animes for other arcs and i KNOW some one is gonna compare this to like one piece or something but its really vastly different but yeah thats all i have to say. STAY TUNED - Y
Posted by yxm-comics - December 6th, 2024
ts bouta be peak. christmas is on its way and so will the fucking stylus i apologize so much for delaying this comic. but i think it was for the best because now we have some CRAAAZZYYY arcs
Posted by yxm-comics - November 3rd, 2024
we are not gone we have not left if you guys have questions about the comic ask us we will be glad to explain the power system and the lore
Posted by yxm-comics - September 8th, 2024
we MIGHT be late to the release date STILL NO stylus.... *gulp*
Posted by yxm-comics - June 29th, 2024
guys im gonnaask my parents to buy me a new stylus with my money when that happens expect in a week to get the comic to be published